IMI Posh Policy

This Sexual Harassment Policy applies to all employees at all locations of IMI Technologies. All employees become subject to this policy on their first day of employment with IMI Technologies and will be subject to discipline for violations of this policy, up to and including termination.

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IMI Posh presentation cum training

To create and maintain safe work environment which is free from sexual harassment.

The objective of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment policy at IMI Technologies is to bring in a ‘zero tolerance’ on discrimination and promote a work environment that encourages mutual respect, promotes respectful and congenial relationships between associates, and is free from all forms of sexual harassment to any associate or applicant for employment by anyone including vendors, or customers

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IMI Posh-Awareness material

The Company is committed to providing to all its employees an environment free of gender based discrimination. In furtherance of this commitment, the Company strives to provide all its employees with equal opportunity conditions of employment, free from gender-based coercion, intimidation, or exploitation. The Company is dedicated to ensure enactment, observance and adherence of guidelines and best practices that prevent and prosecute commission of acts of sexual harassment.

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